Sunday, October 14, 2012

Jaideep's Clarification

Jaideep A Prabhu, our speaker at Jijnasa's Charcha conducted on 13 October, 2012 in Seminar Hall, Legislator's House, Bangalore later wrote to us that he mis-spoke about Bhabha's 3-cycle process plan. He issued a written clarification to us via email. We are reproducing the clarification verbatim. Audience are requested to take a note:

India's three-stage nuclear programme was conceived in the mid-1950s
and was presented in a paper by 1958. (I have not been able to get any
access to a supposed 1956 paper on the matter). In the Charcha,
however, I misspoke when I said that Bhabha envisioned the who
programme to be complete in 6-8 years: Bhabha expected it to take that
long to go from the second stage to the third. India was to build
PHWRs up to 10 GW capacity, and then begin the second stage. This was
to build up power up to 50 GW at which point Bhabha thought sufficient
plutonium reserves would have been built up to launch the third

Please write to us if you seek any further clarifications. You may also reach him for any further discussion at his web-site - or on Twitter - 

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